- Why blindly follow another? 为什么盲目跟着别人的指挥棒转呢?
- Why do you always blindly follow in his foot-steps? 为什么你总是义无反顾地跟随他呢?
- We mustn't blindly follow in the footsteps of foreign practice. 我们不能一步一趋盲目地照外国办法行事。
- One misfortune followed another. 不幸的事情一件接著一件。
- But, VANCL is not a person that blind follows. 但是,VANCL并不是一个盲目的跟随者。
- Do not blindly follow what others said to you. You should separate the wheat from the chaff on your own. 不要盲目的跟随别人所说的。你应该自己区分好和坏。
- One battle followed another,and the end never came. 战役接连不断,尾声遥遥无期。
- Must not blindly follow other people eat, all-vegetarian, to rely on vitamin pills, or physical harm, can not remedy. 切不可盲从别人不吃、全素食、依赖维生素药片,否则,对身体造成伤害,无法补救。
- One victory followed another in quick succession. 一个胜利紧接着一个胜利。
- Strauss didn't blindly follow the Nazis' instructions; he refused to support the movement that forbade the German people from listening to Mendelssohn. 施特劳斯在任内也没有对纳粹完全俯首贴耳,他拒绝支持禁止日耳曼人听门德尔松音乐的活动;
- One should not fear changes under the heaven and one should not blindly follow old conventions and one should not be deterred bycomplaints of others. 引用了王安石的名言,“天变不足畏,祖宗不足法,人言不足恤”,表明了中国人民义无反顾,坚持发展经济的决心。
- Therefore, the MTRC is a long-term favorable appreciation, and not short-term commitments, it will not blindly follow the trend of property buyers. 所以说,地铁升值是长线利好,并不能短期兑现,所以购房者不会盲目跟风。
- One splendid mountain view followed another during our journey. 我们旅途中看到一处又一处美妙山景。
- Strauss did not blindly follow the Nazis' instructions; he refused to support the movement that forbade the German people from listening to Mendelssohn. 施特劳斯在任内也没有对纳粹完全俯首贴耳,他拒绝支持禁止日耳曼人听门德尔松音乐的活动;
- The Master said,"The virtuous are friendly to each other though they hold different opinions; the mean are hostile to each other when they blindly follow the others. 子曰:“君子和而不同,小人同而不和。
- Stay away from any organization that asks you to follow another Human Being, dead or alive. 呆在任何要求你跟随一个人,无论死的还是活的,的组织之外。
- Oppose Sharia system (buy Cihaibu) and advocated the Shari"a school not blindly follow a particular camp, For Shariah to the problem by training for the difference. 反对教法体系(买兹海布),主张在四大教法学派中不盲目遵循某一派,对于教法问题要以经训为绳墨。
- Stock market often some of the dramatic changes in many cases due to blindly follow the trend of investors, the company itself rather than changes in income. 证券市场上经常发生的一些剧烈变动很多情况下是由于投资者的盲目跟风行为,而非公司本身收益变动的影响。
- It was also said that the market appeared "herding" : many people, seeing others buy, buy himself blindly follow the trend of pushing up the market price. 也有人说市场出现了“羊群效应”:很多人看到别人买,自己也跟着买,盲目跟风推高了市场价格。
- But Zhang Zhifeng thinks, chinese cannot blindly follow sb at Hesperian follow, the fashion colour that takes in wedding wanders in black, white, dichromatic on. 但张志峰认为,中国人不能亦步亦趋于西方人后尘,在婚礼服的流行色徘徊在黑、白、两色上。